Thank you to everyone who gathered with us to pray for the unity, prosperity and safety of the families, businesses and government of Paris, Texas. If you would like to support our efforts to keep the power of God in our community, our schools and in our government, please consider giving to the Will You Pray Foundation.
Thank you to everyone who gathered with us to pray for the unity, prosperity and safety of the families, businesses and government of Paris, Texas. If you would like to support our efforts to keep the power of God in our community, our schools and in our government, please consider giving to the Will You Pray Foundation.
One morning, during my pray time at the square, I asked Jesus what He was praying for Paris, TX. The following is what I heard Him speak to my heart; I will leave it with you to weigh and measure whether you believe it to be sound or not, according only to the inerrant Word of God:
“That rejoicing would return to that city. That the street would be filled with joy, and cries of exclamation and exuberance. That the joy of the Lord would once again be their strength, not their wealth or their health or vitality. Oh, that they would depend on me once again. That I would be the star which leads them by the night. And that I would be the sun that leads them in the noon day. I would then rest my glory up on their streets, upon their hilltops, and in their marketplaces and in their homes.
Make a place for me, and I will make a place for you, O Paris, Texas. Be my ‘crown jewel of Texas’. Let my light and my glory flow from you.
Can I make you a lampstand? Are you willing to endure the fire and the outpouring, in order to become a lampstand that leads to my glory? Oil is required for the fire that I bring. A pure oil, the oil of anointing. Yes, that same oil that runs from the beard of Aaron down, down, down. In the crushing, and the pressing, I don’t just make new wine, but I also make new anointing oil.
Paris, I have sought to make out of you a new oil of anointing. Will you accept the pressing and crushing. Will you accept the requirements to produce my oil? If you would give me your hearts, and trust in me through the crushing and through the pressing , what I make in you will cause rejoicing in the streets.
In Paris, Texas will be known as a city lit on a hill. A beacon and a place for ships to come into safe harbor. Where the wounded come to be restored. Where the bound come to be delivered. Where those without direction, or purpose come to receive revelation. But the requirement is in the crushing.
I love you like a first love. Will you return to me? Will you give me your love? Will you give me your allegiance? Will you give me your devotion? If you’ll take my hand to walk in devotion according to my call, my Spirit and my Word, then I will surely make you ‘the prize of Texas’.
But take account. This requires your ‘Yes’. It cannot be any other way. I will not pour out my presence upon the people with hard hearts towards me. Cry out today that your stony hearts would be made soft flesh. It is a broken spirit, and a broken and contrite heart that I will respond to.
Will you be a vessel of honor or one of dishonor? Will you allow me into the hidden places of your heart where fear has caused you to settle for religion, leaving no room for relationship? Would you allow me into your mind, to be the meditations in your early morning hours, instead of the thoughts that gratify and that satisfy the gluttony and the desires of your own flesh.
Choose this day whom you will serve. If it is God, then serve Him. If it is your flesh, then worship them.
But I will not be a scorned lover again amongst your harem of gods and deities. I desire holiness, for I am holy. I desire righteousness, as I am righteous. I desire a people who hold to and perform my covenants, my statutes and my commandments. Because I am a God who does not lie, there is no shadow of turning in me. What I said yesterday, I say today, and I continue to say tomorrow.
Come dine with me at my table. Come sup with me amongst your enemies. Because you are all my sons and my daughters. And none of you are neither higher nor lower than the other. There is room for you at my table, for is not an invitation that I withhold but one that you must accept. Salvation is free, but my presence comes at a great cost.
I love you with a love everlasting. Come dine with me.”
Let the one with ears to hear, hear what the Lord is saying.
– Jeremy Gaston, Director of Will You Pray Foundation